When Life is Stranger than Fiction

There are times in life when everything is weirder than the strangest novel you’ve ever had. As authors, we’re used to writing beyond everyday life, and often we use writing as a way to add spice to the oftentimes mundane events of day-to-day living. So what happens when life itself is more eventful than your stories?

This has been the case for me the last couple of weeks, and to be honest, I’ve considered writing a book about the twists and turns life has thrown at me, except I think it would be too unbelievable! I feel like I’m in the middle of a cheesy plot that no-one would even take seriously.

So, for once, I’m stepping outside the author’s comfort zone. I’m not writing to add spice or variety, I’m writing to add a bit of normality! The final book in the Reborn Trilogy is ready to be published, and despite being a paranormal romance, it’s more believable at the moment than anything happening in real life.

Do you see what I see?

Isn’t it the same for everyone? Even the most skeptical amongst us has been known to hesitate, if only for a second, at an unexpected sound in the middle of the night, or that sudden shivering awareness that someone’s watching you.

The paranormal, by its very definition, is an event or occurrence that’s beyond the scope of scientific explanation, and today is Paranormal Day – an opportunity to throw away your skepticism, open up your mind, and admit that there are at least some things that just can’t be explained.

Regular readers of this blog know I’m a big believer in all things paranormal, and I have a certain fascination for angels in particular. Not of the biblical, harp-playing kind, but more a companion through life that watches out for us, occasionally messes up, and is there to provide some comfort when they do.

The Reborn Trilogy is based on these phenomena; angels who are just like everyday people with a bit of sass and attitude thrown in for good measure. So, if you’re looking for something to do to celebrate Paranormal Day (other than watching movies like The Omen), grab a copy of Reborn for just $1.99, and Book Two, Reawakened, which is free on Kindle Unlimited.

420 – Just Chill

April 20th. 4/20. This isn’t a post about the rights and wrongs of marijuana legislation. It’s a post about societal evolution. Well, sort of. The facts are, today is a celebration of all things marijuana-related and therefore, by its very nature, all things chill.

A few years ago, I had no idea what 420 even meant, let alone that it could be a celebratory day. I was a mother of five young kids. But guess what? Those kids are growing up, and now, as a responsible mother, I need to be aware of everything that impacts their lives, and like it or not, pot is one of those things.

Back in my day (yeah, I know, makes me sound old) marijuana was supposedly a gateway drug, leading my generation down the slippery slope of hard drug addiction. Despite this, most of my generation smoked recreationally, and yet here we are, all grown up with kids and responsibilities of our own. The thing is, more and more States are making marijuana legal, and that’s the evolution of society. I’ll keep most of my opinions to myself, but personally, I prefer the laid-back chill of the pot smoker to the aggressive delusion of the person who’s drunk too much.

And, as I like to link most of my posts to my book trilogy (a young adult paranormal romance with angels who, like the youth of every generation, have enough attitude to make them likeable because they’re less than angelic) here’s a fun video from Totino’s featuring a 420 angel.

So whatever you’re doing today, just be sure to make it a chill one!

Always Look for Rainbows

Today was ‘Find A Rainbow’ day, and April is certainly the month when we get to see more of the stunning phenomena than usual thanks to the April showers that fall in the spring sunshine.

As a writer, I love to find the metaphors in life, and for me at this current time, there isn’t a more fitting one than Find A Rainbow. It’s been a tough couple of weeks, and a few tears have been shed, so now I’m on the lookout for my rainbows, the lights at the end of the tunnel, the silver lining to my cloud, the turn of a page…you get the idea.

We all go through some crap times in life, so to anyone out there feeling down right now, as 80s pop artist Howard Jones said, things can only get better.

Smoke, Mirrors, and Writers

Writers are in the business of smoke and mirrors. No matter what the genre, we like to use words to lead our readers along a winding path of subterfuge, magic, and surprise. We all search for the holy grail, that fine line between predictability and ridiculously obscure.

Sometimes the smoke is thinner than it could be, sometimes the mirrors are slightly disproportionate, but our goal is always to give the reader a break from reality, a release from the mundane.

Sometimes the mystique is completely, and deliberately, unexpected. As authors, we can tell enough of a story to guide the reader to draw their own conclusions, only to pull the metaphorical rug from under them when they reach the end. When I wrote the Reborn Trilogy, I knew where the final book was going to finish, but I didn’t want my readers to know until they got there.

As authors, we indulge the darker traits of humanity – like lies and deception – in a way that’s not only acceptable to society, but expected by it when they curl up with our books.

Today is Smoke and Mirrors Day, referring to how magicians use all manner of distraction to make sure an audience fails to see what’s really going on. As authors we do the same thing, but words are our smoke, paper is our mirror, and the book is our trick…the only difference is that we make sure our audience understands how it’s done by the end.



What’s your Color?

Color is a form of non-verbal communication, and as such it can tell you as much about a person as any other form of communication can.

As you can probably tell just from the image that accompanies this post, my favorite color is purple. My favorite flowers are lavender, my favorite gems are amethyst, and when the kids give me gifts, they’re always wrapped in various hues of purple.

Not surprisingly, purple is the color of choice for many creative types, because it’s known as the color of the imagination, and you’ll find the color purple mentioned in all my novels. Many people who choose this color over others are also introverts, another common trait amongst the artistic population.

Much has been written on the psychology of color, and I’ve listed below what different colors tell you about a person.

Free desktop images
Pink is the color of unconditional love and nurturing. It’s feminine, romantic, intimate, thoughtful, and caring


Indigo is the color of intuition and perception, devotion, wisdom and justice


Blue is the color of trust, peace, loyalty and integrity


Turquoise is the color of communication. It can mean clarity of mind, and idealism


Green is the color of balance and harmony. It is emotionally positive, and a natural peacemaker


Yellow is the color of the mind. It’s intellectual, optimistic, and cheerful


Orange relates to gut instinct. It symbolizes happiness and optimism, bringing emotional strength and warmth


Red is the color of energy. It means passion, emotions, action, leadership, and confidence


Nebelung Cat on a Little Wooden Bed
Brown is the color of security, protection, and comfort. It is loyal, trustworthy, and dependable, enjoying the material comforts of life


Gold is the color of success, achievement, and triumph. It means prestige, sophistication, and elegance


Silver is related to the moon, and the ebb and flow of the tide. It has a feminine energy, mysterious, sensitive, and emotional

The Best Author Interview Question

I’ve given a few author interviews recently, and they typically ask how you got into writing, what your books are about, if you have any advice for other authors etc. All great questions, but I’ve just completed an interview with the very lovely Fiona McVie, and she asked one question I’ve not been asked before.

“Do you have anything specific you want to say to your readers?”

I love that this question acknowledges a book is nothing without people reading it. It’s a bit like a cold cup of tea – full of all the right ingredients, but without the warmth of fingers turning the pages.

To see my answer to this question, and the rest of the interview, pop over to Fiona’s blog, and if you want to give some warmth to a book or two this weekend, pick up a copy of Reborn and Reawakened, the first two books in the Reborn Trilogy, available at Amazon.


My Writing Companion

Like many authors, I do most of my writing when the regular work day is over, and the kids are in bed. It’s normally the quietest time of the day, and I typically sit on my bed with a cup of coffee on one side, and my writing companion on the other.

Today is National Puppy Day, and although Cowboy isn’t technically a puppy (he’s one year old), I thought I’d give a shout out to him for keeping me company when everyone else (apart from fellow authors) is slumbering.


Single Parent’s Day

Does being a single parent still have some of the old stigmas attached to it? When I had my children, I at no time planned to be a single parent, but life happens and sometimes you end up right where you never expected to.

I’ve been a single mum for the last seven years, working as a nurse by day, and writing novels by night (The Reborn Trilogy is available on Amazon.) Even though single parenthood isn’t what I planned for, I’m proud of the adult humans my kids are becoming, and I wouldn’t change a thing.

Today is Single Parent’s Day, and while parenthood isn’t easy at the best of times, I want to give a shout out to all the parents out there acting as both Mum and Dad.

FREE Book Two in the Reborn Trilogy

You might be able to tell from my name that I’m Irish. I was born in Limerick in the southwest of Ireland, and lived there until my family moved to England when I was six. Although I’ve lived in Los Angeles for the last 11 years, I like to remember my roots, especially on St Patrick’s Day (and in April, on St George’s Day!)

Most of my maternal family still live in the Emerald Isle, and so, to share the luck of the Irish with everyone, Reawakened (Book Two in the Reborn Trilogy) is free to everyone all day Friday. If you haven’t read Reborn (Book One) yet, you can pick up a copy for only $0.99!

The above links are for Amazon.com, but Reborn and Reawakened are also available on Amazon.co.uk

What people are saying about the Reborn Trilogy

Well written and intriguing; I was engaged from the start! This was a wonderful addition to my Young Adult library, and I look forward to reading the rest of the series! – DA

A Really well written, easy to read, engrossing book! – VJ

Highly recommended for teens and adults alike. Eagerly anticipating the next book! – FH

REAWAKENED is an engaging young adult supernatural romance. Abbie’s intriguing story continues from REBORN, the first book in this series. Readers who enjoy the paranormal genre will like this story. – AC

Hope there’s many more to come. What ever will she think of writing next?! – CC